Uplifting Essential Oils



The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting all our lives, mentally and physically.

Here at ProTec Ingredia, we understand the importance and necessity of mental and physical wellbeing for all our clients and their customers during these unprecedented times. The mental health charity Mind has identified common feelings and emotions associated with the Coronavirus Pandemic. Many include feeling depressed, low, hopeless, tired, worried, stressed and scared.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, depression and low moods affect hundreds of millions of individuals globally, and understandably this figure has dramatically increased during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Their recent study suggests that Aromatherapy could be a positive and cost-effective reinforcement against these symptoms, improving various other factors, such as emotions, sleeping pattern, memory and appetite.

There are close to 100 commonly used essential oils, all with different claims to enhance energy, motivation, focus and reduce stress levels. Below are our top recommended essential oils to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

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  • Rose Oil

Rose Oil has various properties that help decrease anxiety, stress, tension and depressive symptoms. This is done by reducing blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate. Rose Oil also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, actively fighting against microbes that cause infections.

  • Lemongrass Oil 

Lemongrass Oil is a highly beneficial essential oil with many benefits to the body. Known to reduce stress and anxiety, Lemongrass Oil can also relieve headaches and migraines through its pain-relieving properties. Alongside this, Lemongrass also has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to the skin, the antioxidant properties found within the Lemongrass Oil (the leaves are rich in phenols, flavonoids and tannins) can remove impurities while detoxifying the skin and leaving it feeling clean, clear and scented.

  • Geranium Oil  

Geranium Oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties making it a relaxing and calming ingredient commonly used in Aromatherapy. It can help lift depression and treat anxiety whilst also enhancing the mood and balancing the mind.

  • Chamomile Oil  

Chamomile Oil has many favourable properties that help improve the overall wellbeing of the body. Chamomile Oil is effective in relieving anxiety and is known to help promote sleep. With anti-inflammatory and healing properties, Chamomile Oil has been used to help indigestion, nausea and skin conditions such as eczema.

  • Lavender Oil 

Lavender Oil is one of the most popular essential oils used in Aromatherapy due to its versatile properties. Commonly used to reduce anxiety and improve the mood, Lavender Oil can also help treat insomnia, depression and skin conditions such as eczema. 

To view our full range of essential oils, please visit the ProTec Botanica website.