ProTec Ingredia ensures Quality Assurance through compliance with a carefully designed ISO 9001(2015) Quality Management System. This has been in place since our inception in 2011.
In our business of procurement and distribution of cosmetic ingredients, ProTec Ingredia practises the seven quality principles of ISO 9001(2015) in all business processes, via our highly competent staff. All of our product and service suppliers are ISO 9001(2015) certified, bringing further uniformity of purpose throughout the whole supply chain.
ProTec Ingredia distinguishes itself from other distributors by offering pre-formulation ingredient substitution trials and application support for our customers, all under the ISO 9001(2015) umbrella.
Such a focused approach from ProTec Ingredia helps our customers with a friction-less, on time delivery of quality ingredients and technical/regulatory support.
Download our Quality Policy and ISO Certificate Below