As you already know, we’re pleased to be exhibiting at SCS Formulate in Coventry again this year, alongside some of our partners with some new and exciting product launches to showcase.
Our team will be on hand to talk you through everything that’s new and discuss any upcoming projects.
In anticipation of the show, please find below our second instalment of what we have to showcase this year.
Innovacos will be showcasing Plant C Stem™ Vigna Radiata, already known for its ability to soothe UV irradiated skin, as a SPF Booster as well as new data from Activoil Echnidium and Bioptimized Guava.

Lipoid Kosmetik
We are excited to be sharing the stand with Lipoid Kosmetic this year. They will be promoting
PhytoCodine,the world’s first concentrate of plant-derived, natural matrikine-like peptides. Water Lily Pro is a COSMOS-approved raw material of 100% natural origin, Herbasol® Pro extract from water lily roots and Yogurtolin a natural prebiotic ferment derived from Swiss milk which reinforces the skin’s microbial barrier by creating an environment for a balanced skin microbiome.

Micro Powders
Micro Powders will be showcasing Ecosoft 627S, an ultrafine powder made from polylactic acid (PLA) that provides slip with extremely silky silicone-like aesthetics. Biosoft 915, a high melting point ultrafine powder of polyhydroxybutyrate, a bioferment derived from natural sugars.
Microsilk 422,anultrafine powder composite of synthetic wax, boron nitride and zinc oxide, Naturebead Yellow C20, a naturally coloured 100% natural exfoliant that does not contain any pigments, dyes, or synthetic colourants and Naturesoft 880GT, an ultrafine powder derived from green tea extract and rice bran wax.

Oat Cosmetics
We are also excited to be sharing the stand with Oat Cosmetics this year, who will be promoting Glucaveen, a powerful and unique oat active designed for healthier hair and new data from AvenaPlex and Aurafirm.

Oleon Health and Beauty
Oleon Health and Beautywill be showcasing their broad range of fatty acid esters and natural, renewable raw materials.

Polygal will be showcasing their Boron-free guar gums, offering increased deposition and substantivity to hair, excellent conditioning characteristics at lower use level, superior wet/dry combing and detangling, and a smooth hair feel with enhanced foam texture and other sensory attributes.

Sun Chemical
We are excited to be sharing the stand with Sun Chemical this year, who will be promoting their Natural Wax Dispersions, Linablue G1-S, a natural phycocyanin derived from spirulina, a microscopic alga with high protein, vitamin and mineral content. Spirulina Powder ET-F, a microscopic alga with high levels of proteins, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants.
SunSHINE Pink Champagne, a unique rose–gold pearl, combining the lust and clarity of SunSHINE® with the chromaticity of inorganic colour and SunSHINE Soft Beige an ultra-fine pearl for a natural/nude makeup look, with a subtle velvet/satin effect.

Worlee will be showcasing
WorleeScrub Olive, a new natural product of purely vegetable origin. It is ideally suited as a sustainable alternative to plastic granulates in the processing of vegan or anti-allergic cosmetics.

If you have any questions about anything you have seen, please do get in contact.
We look forward to seeing you in Coventry.