LPC’s 10th Anniversary Charitable Donation



I hope that this finds you well and enjoying the summer.

You may recall that the LPC Group, of which ProTec is a proud member, recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and decided to mark the occasion by donating £100,000 to charity. 

We felt that the best way to find the most deserving causes was to seek the ideas of those closest to us; our colleagues and our most valued customers and partners.  

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to think about it and make a submission. As you can imagine, we received a broad range of suggestions, all very deserving, so coming up with the final selection has been challenging. 

However, we are now thrilled to be able to announce the ten charities that have been chosen to receive a £10,000 donation each, listed below. We’re currently in the process of contacting them to let them know as well as those who have submitted them and hope to make all of the payments by the end of the month.

  1. Cesta Von
  2. Ditch The Label
  3. Evelina London Children’s Charity
  4. Good Fairies
  5. Alice’s Arc Children’s Cancer Charity​​​​​​
  6. Petits Princes
  7. Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK
  8. Polski Czerwony Krzyż
  9. Research on Biomarkers, University of Ulm
  10. Sternenbruecke (Children’s Hospice)

If you also wish to donate to one of these great charities, you can follow the relevant link to their website.

Thank you!